Avisa Recovery

Rehab For Opioid Addiction In Ocean County, New Jersey

Understanding Opioid Addiction: What You Need To Know

The harmful effects of opioid misuse and overdose are still deeply felt in Ocean County and throughout New Jersey. While the numbers tell a troubling story, recent actions from state leaders show a commitment to ending this crisis. Avisa Recovery shares this dedication, offering top-notch opioid addiction treatment right here in Ocean County. Our approach includes proven therapies, compassionate support during detox and withdrawal, and working closely with insurance providers.

Our Opioid Rehab center is nestled away in Ocean County’s scenic surroundings, is dedicated to assisting individuals in overcoming drug addiction and substance use disorders. Our opioid treatment programs are customized to meet the unique needs of each patient, guaranteeing optimal care. The founders of Avisa’s facilities have firsthand experience with addiction, making them uniquely qualified to offer effective coping strategies and support for long-term recovery.

Further Details About Opioid Addiction

While opioids are frequently prescribed to alleviate pain resulting from illnesses, injuries, or medical procedures, the improper use of these drugs has caused many individuals to obtain them without a valid prescription. In the state of New Jersey, the issue of opioid crisis persists, resulting in an average of 14 fatalities per day. These opioids encompass lawful and unlawful versions, which can be derived from the opium poppy plant (referred to as opiates) or created synthetically.

In certain instances, synthetically produced opioids can be significantly more potent than heroin, and confusion surrounding the appropriate dosage can give rise to severe complications and loss of life. This addiction ranks among the most perilous, boasting a notable mortality rate. Seeking assistance from professional substance abuse treatment services and engaging in therapy is highly recommended.

  • Hydrocodone (VicodinⓇ) Oxycodone (OxyContinⓇ and PercocetⓇ) Oxymorphone (OpanaⓇ) Morphine Fentanyl Codeine Heroin Opium
The grip of opiate addiction is a gradually advancing ailment that impairs the discernment of the individual. Recognizing the presence of an issue and taking the initiative to gather information and seek assistance constitutes the initial stride towards improvement. Opioid addiction can be especially perilous due to the profound reliance the body develops on these substances. Individuals who have been using them for more than a few weeks and have attempted to cease usage are acquainted with the discomforting sensations that arise as a consequence.
Numerous individuals who utilize opiates eventually develop a heightened tolerance, requiring larger quantities of the substances to achieve the desired effects. This physical dependency stems from chemical alterations in the brain. As the brain quickly builds up a tolerance to the substance, people struggling with opioid addiction no longer go through the intense sense of euphoria they initially felt. What’s more, the drug disrupts the brain’s natural capacity to produce endorphins and serotonin, its inherent “feel-good” neurotransmitters. In a desperate bid to attain a semblance of normalcy, those using opioids raise their dosage or resort to precarious methods of obtaining their fix. Upon reaching this stage, seeking professional assistance becomes imperative. There are other indicators suggesting the potential benefits of opiate addiction rehabilitation, including:
  • Increasing isolation from friends and loved ones.
  • Loss of interest in once-enjoyable activities.
  • Neglect of personal hygiene.
  • Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, and depression.
  • Fluctuations in weight and alterations in eating habits.
  • Speech difficulties and lapses in memory.
  • Disrupted sleep patterns.
  • Restlessness and nervousness.
  • Inability to fulfill responsibilities at work or school.
  • Financial hardships like debt, theft, and poverty.
  • Involvement in legal troubles.
While the immediate outcomes mentioned earlier are unfavorable, the enduring repercussions are even more severe. Engaging in repeated misuse of any type of opioids can result in persistent and possibly irreversible harm to both physical and mental well-being in the long run.
  • Memory loss
  • Depression
  • Violent behavior
  • Bleeding ulcers
  • Liver and kidney damage
  • Seizures
  • Coma
  • Death
The impact of withdrawal varies among individuals due to numerous factors. The difficulty of conquering opiate addiction is frequently worsened by the discomfort associated with withdrawal. However, there is a positive aspect: specialized drug rehabilitation centers provide detoxification programs that prioritize your safety and strive to maximize your comfort throughout this demanding period. These rehabilitation programs include evaluations to identify the optimal and safest approach for initiating your recovery journey.
  • Fever
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Agitation
  • Cramping (stomach and muscles)
  • Chills
  • Sweating
  • Seizures

Strong desires, often overpowering, emerge during this period, compelling the individual to search for relief by resuming drug use. If attempts to cease opioid usage independently have not been successful, please recognize that responsibility does not solely lie with you. Triumph is attainable, and the staff at our rehabilitation center located in Ocean County, New Jersey , is fully prepared to aid you in this journey through specialized detoxification services.

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Opioid Addiction Programs

Despite the illusion of necessity that drugs might create in your life, they are, in reality, acting as restraints. If you’re currently grappling with opioid abuse or addiction and find yourself in a state of vulnerability, waiting for assistance, your search ends here. Avisa Recovery in New Jersey offers a tailored care strategy designed exclusively around your requirements. Our outpatient addiction treatment could very well be the pivotal choice that sets you on the path to rediscovering your full capabilities and actualizing your aspirations.

Outpatient Services

At Avisa Recovery, we present a serene setting where a blend of personalized individual and group therapy takes place. Every participant is furnished with a tailored schedule meticulously crafted to cater to their distinct requirements. Our array of outpatient programs spans from eight to 16 weeks, offering you the choice between intensive outpatient treatment and comprehensive general outpatient care.

Family Therapy

At Avisa Recovery, we recognize the immense significance of ensuring your family comprehends your journey. We are dedicated to not only fostering improved communication channels between you and your nearest and dearest but also to cultivate mutual understanding. When everyone is on the same wavelength, collaborative efforts can be directed towards a more joyful tomorrow. Our primary objective is the healing of both you and your loved ones, ensuring the establishment of an unshakeable support framework to guide you through your endeavors.

Experimental Therapy

At Avisa Recovery, we take pride in distinguishing ourselves with unique and unconventional treatment programs. Our exceptional team is composed of experts who advocate for innovative therapies such as NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), the guidance of Recovery Coaches, and fostering a sense of ownership in your journey to recovery.

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Individualized Care
Family Programming
Adventure-Based Therapies

Most Private Health Insurance Will Help Pay for Treatment.

Avisa Recovery does not accept Medicare or Medicaid as payment for substance abuse treatment.

Let us handle the details so you can focus on the help you need.

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