Avisa Recovery


Humana Alcohol And Drug Rehab

Avisa Recovery by Humana Insurance provides an affordable option to tackle addiction head-on. We understand that fighting addiction is a tough battle, and accessing the right care can be a challenge. However, Humana is committed to breaking down barriers, including financial constraints, so that individuals can receive the help they deserve.

The price tag attached to rehabilitation can be exorbitant, amounting to thousands upon thousands of dollars. Regrettably, many individuals simply lack the financial resources to cover these expenses. Consequently, they are left with the difficult decision of either enduring their addiction or exploring alternative treatments that may not provide the same level of comprehensive support.

Fortunately, there are insurance companies that understand the importance of rehab treatment and offer coverage for it, making it more affordable. Humana is a notable example. Read on to delve into the details of Humana’s drug rehab coverage.

Avisa Recovery Programs


One of the first steps when seeking treatment for substance abuse is the detoxification process. Here you are medically supervised and managed through withdrawal process to rid the body of drugs & alcohol.

Residential inpatient treatment is when a client lives on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while receiving intensive inpatient treatment. Learn more about inpatient treatment and how it can help you on your journey.

The partial day program at Avisa Recovery combines the best of aspects inpatient and outpatient treatment to form a hybrid program that allows you to experience inpatient therapies on an outpatient basis.

Find out why the innovative intensive outpatient program at Avisa Recovery is your best choice when seeking an outpatient addiction treatment program in Ocean County, New Jersey.

Our outpatient program will enable your professional life to become limitless. We offer the tools for you to become the best you can be while being sober! If you’re in Ocean County, don’t wait another day to start your recovery.

The family program at Avisa Recovery is an integral part of our programming. Family therapy is an essential part of the recovery process because it allows members of the entire family system to learn how to recover as a unit while supporting their loved-one in recovery.

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What is Included in Humana Drug Rehab Coverage?

Wondering if Humana covers drug rehab? Rest assured, they do. Humana rehab insurance offers comprehensive coverage for various aspects of rehab, including:


In the rehabilitation process, detox serves as the initial step, enabling patients to rid their bodies of toxins. However, this phase can be challenging as patients may experience unpleasant side effects, leading to a potential inclination to relapse.

At rehab centers, patients receive assisted detox services with the support of a medical team. The staff ensures the comfort of individuals as toxins are eliminated, providing necessary medications to alleviate symptoms and prevent any potential relapses.

Inpatient Rehab

In a residential setting, patients undergoing inpatient rehab are provided with a diverse range of therapies. Alongside traditional methods such as DBT, CBT, and psychotherapy, alternative therapies like massage and yoga are also offered.

Different therapies can be utilized to achieve a common objective of identifying the underlying cause of addiction and addressing it effectively. Patients are educated on adopting healthy coping strategies to replace their dependency problems.

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehab, much like inpatient rehab, employs various therapeutic techniques to support individuals in conquering addiction. The main distinction is that patients attend therapy sessions while still living at home, allowing them to balance their treatment with their personal life.

Outpatient rehab can be utilized as the primary treatment option or suggested as a continuation of care after completing inpatient rehab. There are three specific types of outpatient treatment available.

  • Partial Hospitalization: In a partial hospitalization program, individuals receive treatment at a rehab facility for a substantial part of the day and then return home to their families at night.
  • Intensive Outpatient Program: Patients enrolled in intensive outpatient programs are expected to attend therapy sessions for several hours per week, but they won’t be occupied with therapy throughout the entire day.
  • Outpatient Program: Patients who require one or two sessions per week are advised to consider outpatient programs.

Patients can rely on outpatient treatments to support their sobriety while adapting to everyday life. These treatments are particularly suitable for individuals with a stable home life that is drug-free and devoid of abuse. Additionally, they are a great option for individuals who have finished inpatient treatment and desire to continue receiving care.

Prescription Medications

To prevent relapse and alleviate withdrawal symptoms, healthcare professionals may prescribe a range of medications including benzodiazepines, antidepressants, and clonidine as part of the rehabilitation process. 

To address alcohol addiction, healthcare professionals often prescribe Naltrexone, acamprosate, and disulfiram. On the other hand, methadone, buprenorphine, and suboxone are commonly used to treat opioid addiction. These medications work by diminishing the pleasurable effects of drugs, making them less addictive. In some cases, they may even cause unpleasant symptoms when the drug is taken.

The drug known as Naloxone has the ability to reverse the dangerous consequences of an opioid overdose. Its usage has successfully rescued countless lives.

In the addiction treatment, antidepressants and antianxiety medications may also be incorporated. They are prescribed to tackle the underlying conditions that could be the initial reason for patients’ substance abuse.

Behavioral Therapies

The drug rehab process includes the integration of behavioral therapies. Many individuals turn to drugs and alcohol to self-medicate their mental issues, leading to addiction. Humana drug rehab programs provide treatments that effectively address these issues, ultimately eliminating the need for self-medication.

Here are some of the emotional disorders that are covered under Humana. 

  • Bipolar Disorder: Bipolar disorder condition is characterized by mood changes that span from intense highs to deep lows. These mood fluctuations can interfere with a person’s ability to establish and maintain normal relationships, as well as hinder their job performance.
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can affect individuals who have experienced trauma in their lives. Symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks, and anxiety can disrupt their ability to function effectively.
  • Anxiety Disorder: Anxiety is a universal emotion that everyone encounters at certain times in their lives. Nevertheless, there are individuals who face a persistent struggle with anxiety, to the point where it becomes so severe that they find it impossible to get out of bed in the morning.
  • Schizophrenia: Schizophrenia is marked by a distorted perception of reality. Individuals coping with this condition may encounter delusional thoughts and hallucinations. Effective treatment is necessary throughout their entire lives.
  • Depressive Disorder: Depression is an emotion that we all experience at times, but individuals with a disorder may face extreme depression that can even manifest as physical pain. Establishing and maintaining healthy relationships with others becomes a difficult task for those who are severely depressed. 
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: ADHD is a condition that typically impacts children, but it can extend into adulthood. Those with ADHD may encounter difficulties in maintaining attention and controlling impulsive behavior. They may face challenges in their relationships, encounter problems at work and school, and struggle with low self-esteem.

Get Approved. Get Help.

Individualized Care
Family Programming
Adventure-Based Therapies

Most Private Health Insurance Will Help Pay for Treatment.

Avisa Recovery does not accept Medicare or Medicaid as payment for substance abuse treatment.

Let us handle the details so you can focus on the help you need.

What Is Humana Alcohol Rehab?

Humana rehabilitation centers provide comprehensive coverage for all forms of addiction, including Humana’s specialized alcohol rehabilitation programs.

The treatment for alcoholism involves a combination of detoxification, inpatient and outpatient therapy. To support patients in staying sober, medications such as naltrexone, acamprosate, and disulfiram may be prescribed.

How Long Does Humana Rehab Insurance Cover Treatment?

Patients can rely on Humana’s drug rehab services for as long as they require. Should a doctor advise inpatient rehab, Humana will ensure coverage for the treatment, regardless of whether it spans 30, 60, or 90 days.

If you find yourself in need of ongoing outpatient care, Humana has the ability to approve you for a set period of time at a drug rehab center. Once this designated time period concludes, a reevaluation will be conducted to assess your eligibility for continued coverage of your ongoing treatment.

Humana Alcohol Rehab At Avisa

Unlike other Humana rehab centers across the country, Avisa Recovery offers a unique approach that sets it apart.

To start off, we initiate a detailed examination of our patients’ physical and mental condition. This assessment plays a crucial role in uncovering the fundamental reasons behind addiction. Subsequently, we proceed to develop a customized recovery program that caters to the unique needs of every individual.

At our facility, we have a variety of outpatient rehab choices available, including partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient therapy, and outpatient therapy. Our dedicated team evaluates each patient’s unique situation and the severity of their addiction to determine the most appropriate program for them. We utilize a range of evidence-based therapies that we believe will have the greatest impact in helping them overcome their addiction.

Our provided therapies encompass a diverse range of approaches, blending conventional techniques such as psychotherapy with supplementary treatments like massage, yoga, biofeedback, music therapy, and more. We firmly believe that achieving well-being involves establishing a harmonious balance between the body and mind, which can be realized through the appropriate combination of treatments. Additionally, we prioritize the implementation of a healthy diet and exercise regimen to support overall vitality.

Upon completing our program, patients proceed to a sober living facility where they actively participate in our nonprofit substance abuse prevention program CFC. Throughout this phase, they receive comprehensive training in lifestyle and professional skills, enabling them to succeed upon reintegrating into society. We offer unwavering support to help them maintain their sobriety during this demanding period.. 

When it comes to battling addiction, there are already numerous obstacles to overcome. Let’s not allow financial burdens to be yet another one on the list.

If you are determined to overcome addiction, we will help you for your journey towards recovery at Avisa Recovery. Reach out to us today and discover how our company can support you in taking the first step towards wellness. Look ahead to conquering your inner struggles and attaining a better standard of living.

Breaking The Cycle And Finding A New Path

Addiction to Adderall can be really tough, but it’s possible to get out of the rut and find a better way. It’s important to get help, build a support system, and live a healthy lifestyle. If you have the right help and resources, you can beat addiction and get your life back. Don’t forget that you’re not the only one, and there’s hope for the future.