Avisa Recovery




Flakka is a synthetic drug that has caused a lot of damage to the human body and mind. From severe addiction to the nightmare of withdrawal symptoms, it’s a long and difficult journey to overcome Flakka addiction. In this article, we’ll explore the world of addiction to Flakka and how it can be treated. We’ll also look at the challenges faced by people struggling with addiction.

It, sometimes referred to as the “zombie drug,” has wreaked havoc on communities across the country. With an alarming increase in emergency room admissions and overdose deaths, it’s clear that this drug is a major public health threat.

Avisa Recovery Programs


One of the first steps when seeking treatment for substance abuse is the detoxification process. Here you are medically supervised and managed through withdrawal process to rid the body of drugs & alcohol.

Residential inpatient treatment is when a client lives on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while receiving intensive inpatient treatment. Learn more about inpatient treatment and how it can help you on your journey.

The partial day program at Avisa Recovery combines the best of aspects inpatient and outpatient treatment to form a hybrid program that allows you to experience inpatient therapies on an outpatient basis.

Find out why the innovative intensive outpatient program at Avisa Recovery is your best choice when seeking an outpatient addiction treatment program in Ocean County, New Jersey.

Our outpatient program will enable your professional life to become limitless. We offer the tools for you to become the best you can be while being sober! If you’re in Ocean County, don’t wait another day to start your recovery.

The family program at Avisa Recovery is an integral part of our programming. Family therapy is an essential part of the recovery process because it allows members of the entire family system to learn how to recover as a unit while supporting their loved-one in recovery.

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What is Flakka?

Flakka (alfa-PVP) is an artificial cathinone. It belongs to the “bath salts” class of drugs. It is a crystal substance that looks like gravel or tablets. It can be taken by snort, smoke, or injected. Flakka is an active stimulant that acts on your central nervous system. It causes you to feel euphoric, alert, and full of energy.

The drug Flakka has become popular because of its low price and ease of use. However, it has a very negative impact on the brain. Flakka works by increasing the amount of dopamine in the brain, which is a neurotransmitter that is linked to pleasure and reward. The increase in dopamine leads to a euphoric state. However, it also disturbs the normal functioning of the brain, resulting in various physical and psychological side effects.

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Signs And Symptoms Of Flakka Addiction

It is important to be aware of the Flakka signs and symptoms so that early intervention and support can be provided. Some of the most common Flakka signs include:
  1. People may become angry, belligerent, or have unpredictable and unpredictable behavior. They may steal or use violence to get the drug.
  2. These symptoms can include fast heartbeats, high blood pressure, pupil dilation, intense sweating, and high body temperature.
  3. Weight loss, muscle loss, and dental issues can also occur as a result of inadequate diet and hygiene.
  4. You may also have hallucinations, paranoia, hallucinations, delusions, and severe anxiety.
  5. They may lose touch with reality and become mentally ill, often resulting in self-injury or injury to others.

Effects Of Flakka Addiction

Flakka has both short-term and long-lasting effects on your body and mind. The drug works as a stimulant, giving you a sudden burst of energy, social skills, and heightened senses. However, the effects are not long-lasting and are often accompanied by negative side effects.

  • The stimulatory effects of the drug can lead to high heart rate, elevated blood pressure and elevated body temperature.
  • Long-term use can lead to heart disease, kidney problems, convulsions, and even fatalities.
  • Users may experience severe paranoia, visual and auditory hallucinations, and even delirium.
  • The effects of the drug on the reward system of the brain can cause addiction, making it hard for people to stop using the drug without help from professionals.
  • Users may cut themselves off from family, friends, and loved ones, and may be subject to criminal charges due to their unpredictable and hazardous behavior.
  • The long-term effects of addiction include feelings of depression, anxiety and hopelessness.

The Withdrawal Process

Getting rid of Flakka can be difficult and sometimes painful. Your body will adjust to the lack of Flakka and you may experience a variety of physical and emotional symptoms. It is important to remember that withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe and depend on your level of addiction to Flakka and your overall health.
  1. Physical withdrawal symptoms: Physical withdrawal symptoms of flakka can be physical and emotional. Users may experience severe craving, tiredness, muscle pain, and tremor. They may also experience sleep problems, an increase in appetite, and digestive problems.
  2. Psychological withdrawal symptoms: The psychological effects of withdrawal from Flakka can be devastating. Users may suffer from depression, anxiety, anger, and mood changes. They may also experience difficulty concentrating and memory issues, as well as intense drug cravings.
  3. Duration of withdrawal: The duration of withdrawal from Flakka varies from individual to individual. Generally, the acute stage of withdrawal is a few days to a week in duration, with the most severe symptoms occurring during this time. However, the psychological symptoms of withdrawal can last for several weeks or even months and require continuous support and treatment.

Treatment Options For Flakka Addiction

Flakka addiction treatment is a multi-step process that needs to be tailored to each individual’s needs and challenges. Below are some of the most common treatment options used in the recovery of Flakka addicts:
  1. Detoxification: Detoxification is when your body gets rid of the drug that is causing your addiction to Flakka. Detoxification is the initial stage of Flakka treatment, and it is important that you undergo it under the supervision of a medical professional to ensure that your withdrawal is as safe and comfortable as possible.
  2. Medication-assisted treatment: You may also be prescribed medication to help manage your withdrawal symptoms and reduce craving. Medications like bupregabalin or naltrexon can help support your recovery and help prevent relapse.
  3. Therapy and counseling: One of the most important aspects of Flakka addiction treatment is therapy. Individual therapy helps people explore their underlying problems, learn coping skills, and develop relapse prevention strategies. Family therapy helps people address the effects of addiction on their relationships and create a supportive environment.

The Role Of Therapy In Flakka Addiction Recovery

One of the most important aspects of Flakka addiction treatment is therapy. Individual therapy helps people explore their underlying problems, learn coping skills, and develop relapse prevention strategies. Family therapy helps people address the effects of addiction on their relationships and create a supportive environment.
  1. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT): The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is to recognize and address addiction-related negative thinking patterns and behaviors. Through CBT, people develop healthier coping strategies, better decision-making abilities, and resilience to relapse.
  2. Motivational interviewing: Motivational therapy is client-centered therapy that focuses on improving motivation and commitment to recovery. Motivational interviewing helps people explore their feelings of ambivalence and self-doubt about recovery and promotes self-awareness and self-reflection.
  3. Trauma-informed therapy: Many people who use Flakka have gone through trauma in their past. Trauma informed therapy helps people process and recover from past trauma, giving them the skills they need to move through recovery in an environment that is safe and supportive.

Hope For Recovery And A Drug-Free Future

Recovering from Flakka can feel like an uphill battle, but with the right help and support, there is a brighter future for you and your loved ones. Understanding the ins and outs of your addiction to Flakka, getting professional help and using the support resources available can help you heal and get your life back on track. Remember: Recovery is a journey.

Avisa Recovery is your one-stop-shop for all things Flakka. Join us as we explore the complex world of addiction to Flakka and gain valuable knowledge for you and your loved ones.

Breaking The Cycle And Finding A New Path

Addiction to Adderall can be really tough, but it’s possible to get out of the rut and find a better way. It’s important to get help, build a support system, and live a healthy lifestyle. If you have the right help and resources, you can beat addiction and get your life back. Don’t forget that you’re not the only one, and there’s hope for the future.