Avisa Recovery



The journey towards recovery from addiction is often filled with challenges and can be quite overwhelming. In times like these, having comprehensive insurance coverage can make a significant difference. AmeriHealth Insurance understands the significance of accessible and effective addiction treatment, which is why it provides extensive coverage to support individuals on their path to recovery.

Coping with substance abuse can be challenging, but knowing the details of your insurance coverage can lessen the financial strain and offer a sense of security as you or a loved one seek treatment.

By choosing AmeriHealth Insurance, you will have access to comprehensive insights regarding their vast network of providers, the various treatments they encompass, and the potential out-of-pocket expenses you might encounter. Our primary objective is to empower you with the knowledge required to navigate the intricate landscape of addiction treatment insurance coverage, enabling you to focus on your recovery without undue stress.

At Avisa Recovery, we are committed to assisting you in your addiction treatment journey with AmeriHealth Insurance. Let us help you uncover how they can support you on your path to a sober and fulfilling life.

Avisa Recovery Programs


One of the first steps when seeking treatment for substance abuse is the detoxification process. Here you are medically supervised and managed through withdrawal process to rid the body of drugs & alcohol.

Residential inpatient treatment is when a client lives on-site 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while receiving intensive inpatient treatment. Learn more about inpatient treatment and how it can help you on your journey.

The partial day program at Avisa Recovery combines the best of aspects inpatient and outpatient treatment to form a hybrid program that allows you to experience inpatient therapies on an outpatient basis.

Find out why the innovative intensive outpatient program at Avisa Recovery is your best choice when seeking an outpatient addiction treatment program in Ocean County, New Jersey.

Our outpatient program will enable your professional life to become limitless. We offer the tools for you to become the best you can be while being sober! If you’re in Ocean County, don’t wait another day to start your recovery.

The family program at Avisa Recovery is an integral part of our programming. Family therapy is an essential part of the recovery process because it allows members of the entire family system to learn how to recover as a unit while supporting their loved-one in recovery.

Let Us Help You Overcome Addiction

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The Importance Of Insurance Coverage For Addiction Treatment

Accessing necessary addiction treatment can come with a high price tag, underscoring the significance of having insurance coverage. Insurance coverage for addiction treatment plays a vital role in easing the financial burden on individuals and their families, ensuring that crucial services such as detoxification, counseling, medication-assisted treatment, and aftercare are accessible.

AmeriHealth Insurance values the importance of addiction treatment and provides thorough coverage to its members. By grasping the specifics of your addiction treatment coverage, you can make informed decisions about your treatment options and avoid unexpected expenses.

Get Approved. Get Help.

Individualized Care
Family Programming
Adventure-Based Therapies

Most Private Health Insurance Will Help Pay for Treatment.

Avisa Recovery does not accept Medicare or Medicaid as payment for substance abuse treatment.

Let us handle the details so you can focus on the help you need.

AmeriHealth Insurance And Their Addiction Treatment Coverage

AmeriHealth Insurance is a prominent health insurance provider that offers a diverse selection of coverage plans for both individuals and families. Their dedication lies in delivering inclusive and cost-effective healthcare solutions, including addiction treatment coverage.

  • AmeriHealth Insurance recognizes addiction as a medical condition that necessitates tailored treatment. Through collaboration with a group of addiction treatment specialists, they ensure that individuals struggling with substance abuse have access to top-notch, research-backed services.
  • AmeriHealth Insurance covers a wide range of addiction treatment services, going beyond the usual inpatient and outpatient options.
  • The services include medication-assisted treatment, counseling, detoxification, and aftercare programs. This holistic strategy guarantees that individuals are supported throughout their journey to recovery.

Types Of Addiction Treatment Covered By Amerihealth Insurance

AmeriHealth Insurance provides an extensive selection of addiction treatment services to address the diverse needs of its members. Some of the prevalent addiction treatment options covered by AmeriHealth Insurance include:
  1. Inpatient Treatment: At a residential treatment facility, individuals receive round-the-clock care in a supportive environment.
  2. Outpatient Treatment: With outpatient programs, individuals can receive treatment while maintaining their residence at home. These programs provide therapy sessions and support on a part-time basis.
  3. Medication-Assisted Treatment: The medications that AmeriHealth Insurance covers are designed to assist individuals in minimizing cravings and effectively handling withdrawal symptoms as they progress through the recovery process.
  4. Counseling and Therapy: AmeriHealth Insurance provides coverage for individual and group counseling sessions and family therapy to tackle the fundamental triggers of addiction and facilitate lasting rehabilitation.
  5. Detoxification Services: Medically supervised detox programs are crucial in addiction treatment, and AmeriHealth Insurance acknowledges their importance. By covering these programs, AmeriHealth ensures that individuals can undergo a safe and comfortable withdrawal process during detoxification.
  6. Aftercare Programs: AmeriHealth Insurance places great importance on providing continuous support after treatment. They ensure coverage for aftercare programs that aid individuals in preserving their sobriety and seamlessly resuming their daily lives.

In-Network Vs. Out-Of-Network Treatment Options

When searching for addiction treatment, it is crucial to recognize the difference between in-network and out-of-network providers. In-network providers have established rates with insurance companies, leading to reduced out-of-pocket costs for patients. On the other hand, out-of-network providers may have higher fees and may necessitate individuals to cover a larger portion of their treatment expenses.

AmeriHealth Insurance provides a comprehensive network of addiction treatment providers, enabling members to receive excellent care within their coverage network. Selecting an in-network provider allows individuals to optimize their insurance benefits and decrease their financial commitments.

How To Verify Your Amerihealth Insurance Coverage

Confirming your insurance coverage is crucial before starting addiction treatment. AmeriHealth Insurance provides several resources to aid you in determining your coverage for addiction treatment.
  1. Contact AmeriHealth Insurance: Contact AmeriHealth Insurance directly to inquire about the coverage for your addiction treatment. Their dedicated team will assist you throughout the entire process and address any queries you may have.
  2. Check AmeriHealth Insurance’s Online Portal: By utilizing AmeriHealth Insurance’s member portal, you can effortlessly access your policy information and confirm your coverage for addiction treatment services. This convenient online tool serves as a swift and simple means to comprehend the benefits you are entitled to.
3. Consult with Addiction Treatment Providers: Addiction treatment professionals frequently possess expertise in collaborating with a range of insurance providers, such as AmeriHealth Insurance. They are capable of guiding you through the insurance verification procedure and guaranteeing that you obtain the highest level of coverage possible.

Tips For Maximizing Your Amerihealth Insurance Benefits

To fully leverage your AmeriHealth Insurance benefits for addiction treatment, it is advisable to take note of the following tips:
  1. Acquaint yourself with the particulars of your insurance policy, which encompass the range of addiction treatment services covered, any restrictions or exemptions, and the corresponding expenses.
  2. To reduce your out-of-pocket expenses, it is advisable to select addiction treatment providers within your network whenever feasible.
  3. Close coordination with your treatment providers is vital to ensure the acquisition of all necessary authorizations, thereby minimizing the risk of unexpected denials.
  4. It is important to keep thorough documentation of your treatment, which should include invoices, receipts, and explanations of benefits (EOBs).
  5. Should you come across any obstacles or have any inquiries regarding your coverage, do not hesitate to get in touch with AmeriHealth Insurance’s customer service department.

Taking The First Step Towards Recovery

Overcoming addiction can be a difficult path, yet AmeriHealth Insurance offers extensive coverage for addiction treatment, providing individuals and their families with the necessary support. By grasping the details of their coverage, individuals can make educated choices regarding their treatment and concentrate on their path to recovery.

With AmeriHealth Insurance, you can rely on comprehensive addiction treatment coverage that encompasses inpatient treatment, outpatient therapy, medication-assisted treatment, counseling, and aftercare programs. Don’t let financial worries hinder your recovery journey. Take advantage of AmeriHealth Insurance’s unwavering support and embark on a path toward a healthier and sober future.

Breaking The Cycle And Finding A New Path

Addiction to Adderall can be really tough, but it’s possible to get out of the rut and find a better way. It’s important to get help, build a support system, and live a healthy lifestyle. If you have the right help and resources, you can beat addiction and get your life back. Don’t forget that you’re not the only one, and there’s hope for the future.