Avisa Recovery

Disulfiram: Mechanisms, Applications, and Challenges


Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) affects many people from around the world, whose root problem is the abuse of alcohol, which leads to alcoholism. The need-to-drink concept is implicit in AUD, and the craving associated with it is very often a factor that leads to social withdrawal, general health problems, and other related issues.

However, there are numerous options for treatment, and some of them are very effective. One such drug is Disulfiram, which is also sold under the brand name Antabuse. Although disulfiram does not treat the urge to drink or the withdrawal symptoms directly, it offers a specific path by affecting the alcohol abstinence intention with the help of the disulfiram mechanism of action.

This blog delves deeper into the fascinating disulfiram world and will explore its purpose in the treatment of AUD, its mechanism of action peculiarities, and the drawbacks we face when using it.

We can support people on their path to recovery and a healthier life by knowing how disulfiram functions and where it fits into the larger treatment picture. Explore the science and potential of disulfiram with us, whether you are a healthcare professional, someone looking for information for a loved one, or someone dealing with AUD yourself.

If individuals can grasp the mechanism of disulfiram, many may be able to uncover the path to healing and optimal well-being. Whether you are a medical professional, a loved one in need of information, or you are dealing with AUD,. Are you interested in learning more about the incredible science and power of disulfiram? Come to us, and we’ll show you.

What is Disulfiram (Antabuse)?

Disulfiram, commonly known as the product Antabuse, is a drug that is mostly used to support the treatment of chronic alcoholism. Disulfiram develops the intolerance of alcohol in such a way that people are not able to drink it. It is not a therapeutic drug for alcoholism but an antidote, enabling the patients to keep their abstinence from alcohol.

Disulfiram Mechanism of Action

How Disulfiram Works in the Body

The disulfiram means of action is a method that is very different from those of other medicines and still the most effective for the purpose it is used for. Disulfiram, on the other hand, functions by irreversibly inhibiting aldehyde dehydrogenase. That is an enzyme that takes part in the metabolism of alcohol. Usually, when alcohol is consumed, it is metabolized in the liver to acetaldehyde, a toxin. Then acetaldehyde, which is the product of alcohol metabolism, is changed by acetaldehyde dehydrogenase in acetic acid, which in turn, after being exposed to other enzymes, is metabolized into harmless substances that are then eliminated through the body.

Disulfiram breaks this system by inhibiting the action of aldehyde dehydrogenase when alcohol is drunk. It then builds up acetaldehyde when alcohol is drunk. This acetaldehyde will now trigger off the defensive substances, aiming to prevent the individual from further alcohol consumption in the process.

Disulfiram and Its Effects on the Body

People who are on disulfiram after drinking alcohol happen to have a whole range of influences, such as:

  • Turning red in the face
  • Constant pounding headache
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Chest pain
  • Weakness
  • Blurred vision
  • Mental confusion
  • Sweating
  • Anxiety
  • Palpitations
  • Difficulty breathing

These symptoms can appear within 10 to 30 minutes of the alcohol intake and may be extended for hours. The alteration of the seriousness of the problem is usually the result of the amount of alcohol taken and the individual’s tolerance to it. The disulfiram mode of action comes about by even very minor quantities of alcohol being able to produce such experiences for the drinker. The knowledge of the connection between the two is used during the therapy sessions as one way to control drinking.

Disulfiram Dosage and Administration

Initial Dosage

The use of disulfiram is only permitted by a healthcare professional. The initial dose is usually high to ensure that the medication is absorbed and works well. A frequent target dose is 500 milligrams daily for one to two weeks.

Maintenance Dosage

Following the initial period, the medication dose can be slowly reduced to 250 milligrams per day, which is the recommended maintenance dose. Higher doses are not always better or increase the effectiveness of disulfiram, which may cause neither an effect on the kidney nor side effects such as vomiting or headache.

Important Considerations

  • Avoiding Alcohol: Patients who take disulfiram must avoid all sources of alcohol, including foods, medicinals, and topical products like mouthwashes, or aftershaves, as they can even trigger a tiny reaction.

  • Medical supervision: The person receives regular physicals and communicates regularly with a physician to supervise the patient’s success and possible side effects.

  • Commitment to Abstinence: Disulfiram is most efficacious when given as a component of a holistic regimen that includes therapy and support groups. The commitment to abstinence is essential for the success of the therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Que: What are the long-term effects of taking disulfiram?

Ans: With the appropriate use of disulfiram and under a doctor’s supervision, the drug is usually safe for long-term use. In some cases, however, individuals may have negative symptoms such as fatigue, drowsiness, or a metallic taste in the mouth. Liver function tests should be done at periodic intervals, as disulfiram can cause liver toxicity in rare cases.

Que:  Can disulfiram be taken with other medications?

Ans: Disulfiram can develop interactions with particular drugs that may be in the form of some antibiotics, like anticoagulants and antidepressants. In the case that one is taking antibiotics, one should remember that they might interact with the drug and avoid alcohol. Not every individual reacts to substances similarly. This way, they won’t recommend something that may cause a drug interaction, which can be very dangerous for your body.

Que: Is disulfiram effective for everyone?

Ans: While disulfiram is effective for many individuals, it may not be suitable for everyone. For instance, individuals with the right conditions, such as a severe heart ailment, or mentally ill persons, cannot safely take disulfiram. Therefore, the success or failure of this medicine also depends on how serious the person himself/herself is about the matter, which in turn may be a part of a more general plan of treatment.

Que: How long should disulfiram be taken?

Ans: The duration of disulfiram therapy should be the one that is set for the patient. This is because one’s demands and progress determine the success of the therapy. Many people are known to have completed the treatment in several months; they, however, might follow up for a few years. The quit decision should, however, be taken after consultation with the doctor.

Que: What should I do if I experience a severe reaction?

Ans: If you are in a case where you are having chest pain, difficulty breathing, and/or seizures due to severe symptoms after alcohol intake despite being on disulfiram, you can worsen the situation if you decide to do the opposite and not go to the doctor. The severe symptoms’ initial response is to be a consultation with a health provider.


Perceiving the disulfiram action mechanism is the only way to understand and comprehend its role in chronic alcoholism treatment. This drug works by bypassing the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase, thus making the physical reactions pretty bad while using alcohol. Consequently, alcohol addicts will not want to drink alcohol. Disulfiram, when used together with other treatments, can be a stanchion (strong protective part) against the hazards of alcohol.

However, it is significant to note that disulfiram is not a means by which alcoholism is cured. Its efficacy doesn’t work away from the factor of the patient’s dedication to abstention, and the support of healthcare professionals and the source network is important. Regular medical follow-up and a detailed understanding of the medication’s impacts and other things it is compatible with are necessary for safe and efficient use.

People with alcohol issues or who feel they do not know enough about managing their treatment properly, connect with us at AVISA Recovery Center. Our specialists are always there for you, and you have found the right place to start your journey to a better life. Get in touch with us for the care and counseling you need.

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