Schizophrenia Treatment

schizophrenia treatment

Schizophrenia can have a huge impact on your life and the lives of those around you. Understanding what it is and how to treat it can be overwhelming, but with proper treatment and support, you can live a healthy life with schizophrenia. We recognize that every person’s experience with schizophrenia is different, and that’s why […]

How Does PTSD Cause Substance Abuse for Veterans?

substance abuse for veterans

According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, a notable 7 out of 100 veterans will struggle with PTSD at various points in their lifetimes. This formidable mental affliction, if not addressed, can inflict substantial harm. Its repercussions span from fracturing relationships with loved ones to jeopardizing both mental and physical well-being, thereby significantly compromising […]

A Vital Step In Recovery is Withdrawal Management

What is Withdrawal Management?

Dealing with withdrawal symptoms can be an immensely challenging and potentially perilous experience. The intensity of these symptoms varies based on the severity of the drug addiction. It’s evident that overcoming withdrawal independently can be exceptionally demanding. This underscores the importance of seeking professional addiction treatment and undergoing withdrawal management. In this article, we will […]

What are the benefits of holistic treatment for drug addiction?

What Are the Benefits of Holistic Treatment for Drug Addiction

The United States has over 21 million individuals grappling with substance use disorders, including 15 million affected by alcohol use disorders, two million by opioid use disorders, and three million by prescription drug use disorders. These numbers may even be higher in reality. For numerous individuals, embracing a holistic treatment approach for drug addiction can […]