Avisa Recovery



If you’ve ever struggled with substance abuse or mental health issues, you know how hard it can be to get back on track. It’s no different for those struggling with heroin addiction. But there’s hope. With proper treatment, we can break the cycle of addiction and get back on the path to sobriety.

Heroin treatment programs provide a lifeline to people struggling with addiction, both physically and mentally. These programs use evidence-based therapies (CBT) and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to treat both the physical addiction and the mental health problems that often come with addiction. By providing a holistic approach to treatment, these programs break the addiction cycle and help patients get back on their feet.

If you or a loved one is suffering from heroin addiction and/or mental health issues, there is hope for you. We at Avisa Recovery will guide you through the recovery process with heroin treatment, showing you the path to recovery and a better future.

Let Us Help You Overcome Addiction

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Heroin Addiction And Its Impact

Heroin addiction is not only a physical condition, but it is also a mental condition. Heroin addiction can cause severe mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, or even psychosis. The addict’s constant need to find and use the drug damages the brain’s chemistry, making it difficult for the addict to feel pleasure or regulate their emotions.

Apart from the mental health issues directly associated with heroin use, many people turn to heroin as a form of self-medication or treatment for underlying mental health problems, including trauma, stress, and unresolved emotional pain. A dual diagnosis of substance use and mental health disorders involves a complex interaction that necessitates specialized treatment approaches.

Get Approved. Get Help.

Individualized Care
Family Programming
Adventure-Based Therapies

Most Private Health Insurance Will Help Pay for Treatment.

Avisa Recovery does not accept Medicare or Medicaid as payment for substance abuse treatment.

Let us handle the details so you can focus on the help you need.

The Importance Of Seeking Professional Help For Heroin Addiction

  • Professional treatment programs give people the resources, guidance, and support they need to get through the difficult recovery process.
  • These programs address both the physical addiction to heroin as well as the underlying mental health problems that often accompany addiction.
  • These programs use evidence-based treatments and medication-based therapies to treat both the addiction to the drug itself and the underlying psychiatric disorders that often come with addiction.
  • These programs provide a comprehensive approach to breaking the addiction cycle and helping patients get back on their feet.

Different Types Of Heroin Treatment Programs

Heroin treatment programs come in a variety of forms and are designed to meet the individual needs of those looking to recover from addiction.
  1. Inpatient treatment programs provide 24/7 residential treatment. This type of treatment is often suggested for people with serious addictions, co-existing mental health conditions, or those in need of a controlled and supervised setting to safely detox from heroin.
  2. Outpatient treatment programs,On the other hand, provide flexible care options that enable people to receive treatment while continuing with their day-to-day lives. These programs are appropriate for people with mild to moderate addictions who have a supportive network and the capacity to manage their recovery at home.
  3. A holistic approach heroin treatment acknowledges that addiction is not only a physical condition but also a mental, physical, and spiritual condition. holistic treatment programs focus on all aspects of a person’s well-being in order to support long-term recovery.

The Benefits Of A Holistic Approach To Heroin Treatment

  1. One of the main advantages of a comprehensive approach is that it addresses the root causes of substance abuse and mental health disorders.
  2. This includes addressing trauma, exploring unresolved feelings, and creating healthy alternatives to drug use.
  3. Holistic treatment plans often include a variety of therapies, such as individual counselling, group and family therapy, as well as alternative therapies like art therapy and yoga.
  4. In addition to treatment, holistic treatment plans also focus on the physical health of patients.
  5. This can include nutritional advice, fitness classes, and mindfulness exercises to improve overall health and wellness.

The Role Of Therapy And Counseling In Heroin Treatment

Therapy and counseling are essential for heroin treatment and for mental health recovery. Therapeutic interventions give people a safe and private place to talk about their feelings, learn coping techniques, and gain insight into their addictions.

Individual therapy provides a personalized environment for you to work through your personal issues with a qualified therapist. Through this therapeutic relationship, you can explore the root causes of your addiction and your mental health issues. Evidence-based therapies like CBT or DBT can help you learn new ways to think, control your urges, and develop better coping strategies.

Group therapy provides a space for people to talk about their experiences, listen to what others have to say, and gain insight into their recovery. Group therapy helps people feel like they are part of a larger group and that they are not on their own.

Family therapy is another important part of heroin treatment and long-term mental health recovery. Family therapy helps to resolve family conflicts, foster better communication, and build trust. When family members are involved in the treatment process, you can build a powerful support system.

Medication-Assisted Treatment For Heroin Addiction

Medication-assisted Treatment (MAT) is the most popular and effective treatment for heroin addiction and supports mental health recovery.  MAT is a combination of medication, counseling, and behavioral therapies.

MAT medications are used to treat withdrawal, reduce craving, and block heroin effects. For example, methadone is a medication used to treat withdrawal symptoms. Other medications used in MAT are buperonolone and nitrorexone. Healthcare professionals prescribe and monitor these medications to ensure that they are used safely and effectively. MAT provides stability and allows you to focus on your recovery without having to struggle with cravings and withdrawal symptoms all the time.

In addition to the medication, MAT also includes counseling and behavioral therapy. Combining medication with therapy allows MAT to provide holistic heroin treatment and treatment for mental health issues.

Support Systems And Aftercare For Successful Heroin Treatment

Heroin treatment is not the end of the road when it comes to recovery. To make sure your recovery is long-lasting and successful.

Support systems are a key part of the recovery process. Support groups like Narcotics Anonymous and SMART Recovery allow you to connect with people who understand your challenges and provide support. Support groups provide you with a sense of belonging and a place to talk about your successes, failures, and tips for staying sober.

Heroin treatment programs offer aftercare services to help people get back on their feet and make sure they have the support and resources they need to get back on track. Aftercare services address both the practical and the emotional issues that people face as they reintegrate back into their day-to-day lives after treatment.

Hope And Healing On The Road To Recovery

Recovering from Heroin Addiction and Mental Health Challenges is a difficult but achievable goal. At Avisa Recovery we will help you achieve this goal by providing comprehensive heroin treatment that addresses both the physical and the mental components of addiction, enabling you to break free from the vicious cycle of addiction and regain your life.

By getting professional help, you can have access to evidence-based treatments, counseling and medication-based treatment options that offer a comprehensive approach to healing. With the help of health care professionals and the commitment of those receiving treatment, the path to recovery becomes attainable.

Don’t lose hope if you or a loved one is addicted to heroin or struggling with mental health issues. The road to recovery is long and difficult, but with proper treatment and care, a better future is possible. Join us today!